Thursday, March 17, 2005

Why do today what you can put off until next month?

When I went to see the doctor last week for a post-surgical checkup, I asked him about going to the gym and working out and he said it wouldn't hurt me to wait one more week, but if I felt like it, then I could ahead and give it a try. I was all psyched to go Monday but I learned that the gym was closed this week because of ASU's Spring Break. (It's ASU's new fitness center where I have a free lifetime membership - can't beat that!) So, I haven't started working out yet, and I feel like such a procrastinator, which is the theme of this posting.

Yes, I procrastinate just like most of you. I have gotten better at doing things on time since I've "grown up" a bit, but I still do it. I think the worst example I can claim would be the time I drove a car with tags that had expired 18 months earlier! That was a good one, but it turned out to be quite costly, because when I finally got pulled over (18 months? yeah, we have really efficient police in Jonesboro) not only did I get a ticket for the expired tags, but when I pulled my driver's license out of my wallet, it had expired, too! The entire little event cost me about 200 bucks and the cop made me park my car in the Wallace & Owens parking lot and not drive it until I got my driver's license renewed. "Ma'am, driving is a priviledge, not a right...blah...blah...blah." Since that episode, which was about six years ago, I've gotten better about taking care of things, and I have not let my tags go past their due date since then.

What am I procrastinating about right now?
1. Paying bills. I need to sit down and write checks and pay the bills online that are set up for it. The entire process would take less than an hour if I would just go do it.
2. Getting my oil changed in my car. I think I needed to do that in November. I'll do it Saturday and hopefully "Krunch" will be there and my Pontiac can bat her eyelashes at him. (See previous entry for explanation.)
3. I'm presenting a paper at the Delta Blues Symposium on April 7. [Go to if you're interested in finding out more about it. I think it's under "Delta Blues."] The fact that it's only three weeks from now doesn't seem to bother me. Have I written the paper? No, of course not. I submitted an abstract and was accepted based on that, but haven't written the paper! Once again, it would not take that long if I would just do it, because I know what I'm going to write.
4. One or two things I'm just TOO embarrassed to mention.
5. See #4.

So, friends and family, fess up. What should you be doing instead of playing on the internet right now?

Talk to you tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

I love you Nessa!!! Just wanting to say Hi!! Have a happy St.Patrick's day!!!Goodbye!!! Love, reece:)

Anonymous said...

hi ness when you get this i will probably be talking w/you on the phone love ya love ya bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-Emily

Anonymous said...

i will kiss you cuz u r irish and cuz i love you:)happy st.pat's day 2 u ya love ya!!bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-emily

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that I didnt use correct gramar and speling and abrev'iations in those last 2 messages , because I know that ticked you off a little. Also sorry about no Capitalizations.Ain't I really funny?-Emily