Friday, March 18, 2005

Comments from Reece and Emily

I got this from my seven-year-old nephew, Reece, last night:

I love you Nessa!!! Just wanting to say Hi!! Have a happy St.Patrick's day!!!Goodbye!!! Love, reece:) --Posted by Reece to Aunt Vanessa at 3/17/2005 08:33:16 PM

[I think Emily helped him with the typing.] I LOVE YOU, too, Reece! You are wonderful and so smart and so cute. Words cannot describe how much I love you, Buddy.

Equal time for women, of course - from Emily, also last night:

i will kiss you cuz u r irish and cuz i love you:)happy st.pat's day 2 u ya love ya!!bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-emily --Posted by Emily to Aunt Vanessa at 3/17/2005 08:37:49 PM

(a few minutes later:)

I am so sorry that I didnt use correct gramar and speling and abrev'iations in those last 2 messages , because I know that ticked you off a little. Also sorry about no Capitalizations.Ain't I really funny?-Emily --Posted by Emily to Aunt Vanessa at 3/17/2005 08:43:29 PM

THIS from the winner of her school's spelling competition. I almost fell over from the "ain't" - but I know you were kidding, Emily!!! You are really funny for an eleven-year-old! I am so glad you read my website every day. It makes me feel as if we are communicating even when your busy schedule doesn't permit any time with me. Kiss kiss to you and Reece, Sweet Girl.

Happy Friday to all.


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