Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Three Hundred Sixty-Five Days Later...

Much to my coworkers’ delight, I called in sick today. The sinus infection that refuses to die has migrated to my chest and I’m coughing and snorting and hacking and all that fun stuff. I got a whopping dose of antibiotics yesterday that is supposed to kick butt within a day or two, so in the meantime I’m wasting time doing very little. Daytime TV is the worst and I don’t feel like reading (except blogs) so I’m very, very bored. Tonight is the Ladies’ Short Program, so we finally get to see if Sasha can beat Irina. If I were to bet money, it would be on Sasha simply out of patriotism. Although she is grace personified, she tends to let us down when the competition is this great, and that’s when Irina swoops in and takes first place. I hope this doesn’t happen. We’ll see for sure after tonight and Thursday night.

This is, however, a Special Day:

One year ago today I launched this blogsite. My threshold for boredom is very low, so I’m extremely surprised that I have been able to stick with this blogging for an entire year. About two weeks before I began “Aunt Vanessa,” I read my first blog. Before that, I wasn’t sure what a blog actually was. I was finishing my master’s degree and had no free time to read for fun. I read a couple of well-known blogs and thought, “Hey, I can do that!” Mine, however, was simply intended to keep my family informed of each other’s activities. Much to my surprise and delight, however, I have readers who are not family and I’ve become extremely fond of these wonderful women. To you, my blogging friends, I thank you for letting me become part of your blogging family. My Daily Reads are the ones I read without fail. I have others I read, too, although with less frequency, but I love them, too. Some of them have won awards and some are quite obscure, which suits my eclectic tastes. Mine is not a blog that will win any awards, nor will it ever receive thousands of hits per day. I’m way too lazy to try to reach such lofty goals. I also don’t feel the need to please. Never cared if I was popular, and I still don’t. That being said, I do enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. One day you will walk into your favorite bookstore and find my novel on the shelf. Look under Adams, Vanessa. There it will be. And it will make you cry. And laugh. Especially if you love reading about crazy southern families. In this pursuit I’m not lazy, just very careful and believe that revision is the key to its success. That’s the only hint you’ll receive for now.

My wish for you all today is that you are happy and feeling better than I am. I wouldn’t wish this crap on anyone, except maybe my boss. Oh, what am I saying? OF COURSE I’d wish this on her. This is my blog and I’ll say what I want.

One more thing before I crawl back into bed: I love how indulgent you are of my constant bragging about Emily and Reece. I could go on and on about them, but I’ll save that for future entries, so get ready.


Quycksilver said...

Happy Blog Birthday Vanessa!
Hope you start feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! And if you publish a book about a crazy Southern family, fiction or not, I will pre-order it from Amazon. Or you can just give me the galley copies. Whatever floats your boat!

Crazy MomCat said...

Aww....sorry you're sick on your blog-versary! As for crazy southern families, I read because my GOODNESS can I relate! And, your stories of your niece and nephew are wonderful and take me back to my youth, so keep them coming! Anything that reminds you of a younger day is a healthy thing, if you asked me!

Amanda said...

good thing you got a holiday on your blogiversary! :)

we LOVE reece and emily too, or we wouldn't come back to read about them!

Anonymous said...

Aw! You poor baby. I'm glad you stayed home from work. And congrats on your blogiversary. I'm glad I found you! Or, did you find me? No matter. I love hearing about Emily and Reece, and I can't wait for the next chapter of Aunt Vanessa's Life.

Unknown said...

Sorry you are so sick. Hope you feel better. Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

my dear dear friend,
I'm so happy I've found you through your blog. and I so enjoy reading stories about Emily and Reece.
thanks for your support and friendship,

happy blog anniversary!

feel better soon!

DebbieDoesLife said...

From one non-award winning blog to another - GET WELL SOON!

Anonymous said...

What kind of antibiotic are you on? I have nothing else to talk about seeing I'm stuck here in NJ and all. Hope you get better sis. Happy blogsversary. Miss you much!