Monday, January 29, 2007

Happy Birthday, Reece!

Originally uploaded by Aunt Vanessa.
The Cutest Boy in the World turns NINE years old tomorrow. An aunt couldn’t ask for a better nephew. We were talking on the phone yesterday and he was telling me about his birthday party Saturday, the one where he invites his friends and they play video games and eat lots of junk and open PRESENTS, and how the family is getting together at his favorite Japanese restaurant on Tuesday night to celebrate the second installation of the birthday and he said, “I wish you could be there, Nessa.” Damn this living in Missouri thing sometimes, especially when Darling Boy is having a birthday.

Reecie Boy, as Emily calls you, I hope you are having a great birthday. You are the funniest boy. Your love for cars and video games is almost infectious. Keep making straight-As in school, Sweetheart, because you’re going to have to go to medical school and become a surgeon in order to pay for all the Ferraris you plan to own when you are finally old enough to drive!

Oh, and Reece, don’t forget that you promised you’d come and visit me when I’m really old and living in the nursing home. You said you’d bring cookies.

I love you and am so lucky that I’m your aunt. You make me so very happy. Whenever I hear your voice I feel a hundred times better than I did the minute before. You are an awesome boy and I love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy birthday Reece!

what a lovely post Vanessa, he's so lucky to have you as an aunt (please ADOPT ME!)