Friday, November 03, 2006

Just Doesn't Feel Like Friday To Me

Friday; woohoo! Three more weeks until I see Emily and Reece. I'm going through withdrawal. Seriously, I have a sick feeling in my stomach because I miss them so much. They sent me Halloween cards this week and enclosed recent photos and I think they have both grown a couple of inches since I last saw them in August.

I'm taking two classes online, and one "face-to-face" class, which meets about once a month on Tuesday night. Not a bad schedule, except for one of the online classes, which requires we meet twice this semester on a Saturday from 9 to 3. You guessed it - tomorrow is the second Saturday class. There are about 20 students in my class and one of them, Sandy, is becoming a friend, but I still don't want to go. Except that Sandy and I get to have lunch together. I always enjoy that. But other than that, it's a total bore of a day and by 1:00 I'm squirming in my chair and ready to scream.

So, that's it for Friday. I'm getting ready to heat some of that delicious soup I mentioned a couple of days ago. Might add a slice to cheese toast to the menu tonight. Then, I'm going to read a chapter in library management and watch a movie. This is so boring, I'm going to have to have a glass of wine just to get through it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ugh! Saturday from 9 to 3? Torture. Hey, would a glass of wine at lunch make the afternoon more bearable?