Busy week! Lots of school work; only a few more weeks remaining of this semester, which has flown. Still haven't heard if I've gotten the TA position I applied for. According to Sandy, our advisor said it would be a while, so I'm a little on edge about it. I want to know now so I can plan and worry about something else!
This morning I was on campus before 8:00 to take part in National History Day. The state competition was held at MU and I was a judge for the junior high division of performances. I had to watch nine group performances. Of 7th- and 8th-graders. It was great. This year's theme was "Conflict and Compromise in History," and those kids were quite creative. Eight of the performances were about women in history, and several were about how important women were to the Civil War and WWII. I wanted to jump up and down at times because I'm so proud of girls today! They realize that our sex has gotten the shaft for SO LONG and they're not going to let it happen to them. I wish Emily could have seen those kids. She would have loved it, especially since they were her age.
After all that, Dawn and her boyfriend, Tucker, picked me up and we went for a really late lunch. Before I start some kind of family scandal, let me clarify. It was my friend, Dawn, not my sis-in-law who's married to my brother. I wouldn't want to go to lunch with her if she had a boyfriend. So, family, don't get all riled up about that, okay? Anyway, we had a good time over lunch and several cups of coffee. Tucker is a high school English teacher, so naturally I love him. Even if he is a man. Get this: we were talking while looking out the window at the snow. What? Yes! It snowed today. In a way it's good, though, because that delays the fact the I am going to have to get a pedicure. See how I took a bad thing and turned it into a good one? Always upbeat, yessir.
Now, I'm going to put away the computer and read a little for one of my classes, then I'm going to watch a couple of movies. They're piling up and I'm not getting my money's worth from Netflix if I don't watch the movies and return them for more.
I'll be back before the end of next week. Promise.