Well. Friday morning and I've made a long list of things I need to do in the next few days, and "Post an entry on blog" was at the top of the list. Not really. I just sometimes feel a tugging at my consciousness or something, that makes me want to update.
How about some movie talk? I cut my Netflix plan to two-at-a-time and should probably cut it down even more, since I don't have much movie-watching time right now. Lately, however, I have watched a few, starting with "Slumdog Millionaire," which I actually viewed at the theatre. I thought it was a sadly disturbing, realistic film and I'm glad I got to see it, but I wouldn't vote it as a Best Picture winner. Over Christmas I watched the Brad Pitt film, long title "...Benjamin Button," and while it was a pretty good one, it certainly doesn't deserve the acclaim it's receiving, except for the special effects.
Here's one I really liked! This is what a Cohen Brother's film
should be, unlike their latest one, again with Brad Pitt, which was a bomb (Burn After Reading) - don't waste your time on it. So, what is my favorite movie I watched lately? It is, hands down,
THIS JEWEL of a movie. Do see it; you'll thank me. Tonight, I'm going to try to watch
this one after I get some work done.
As for TV, I don't watch much, but I'm absolutely hooked on "Lost" and I spend some time searching fan sites to read about it and try to figure out all the story lines. If you've never watched it, go to the ABC website and start at the beginning, but be warned: you'll be captivated from the first episode and you will let everything in your life go to hell until you've watched every last second of every episode! I think the writers of the show have an agenda, or at least some of them do, and I think it's to put as much of their literary knowledge into the show, thinly veiled, in order to get revenge on all their past lit professors who made them search for symbolism and write tedious papers about it! If that's not enough for you, also know that the show has all these really hot men who are sweaty and take off their shirts. Often.
I haven't read any adult fiction since the beginning of this semester. I am taking a Teen Lit class and have to read 2 or 3 novels/week, in addition to all my other work, so I have nothing to write about any books that would be of interest to adults. Emily and Reece and I have, however, had some good conversations about books lately and I love that I'm reading what interests them right now. I don't think I'd mind in the least working at a public library in the young adult section now. Kids today have such good choices of literature. Way better than the selections I had when I was a young turd.
Now, I have to run some errands and then come back and work for several hours before I can reward myself with a movie. I'll be back in a few days to complain about all the stress.