I now have a Georgia driver's license. When I got it in the mail last week, Pete realized my birthday is wrong on it, so I'm going to go take care of that this week, but other than that, there have been no snafus regarding this move. The weather has been wonderful, so far, but I've been warned about a thousand times that it's hot as hell here for a very long time since we're practically in Florida, only I haven't experienced it yet. I'm thinking skirts and sandals from here on out with those little pantyloons to keep the friction down between my thighs and thus not such a bad heat rash. Yes, I'm writing about my fat thighs rubbing together because that's just how it is. Even if I weighed ninety pounds I'd have this wad of fat between my legs that rubs together. Have always had it, and short of liposuction, I always will.
Now, how about some beautiful photos of our state park? It's only five or six miles from where we live and we love it: