I heard from some family members that Bera's 92nd birthday party was nice. A lot quieter than the
bash we threw for her 90th. Wish I could have been there but I'm up in stupid Missouri suffering daily from the very air itself. Yes, back to ME. I'm home today with the worst case of the hives I've ever had. They started Sunday, and were bad yesterday, but this morning when I stepped out of the shower, my skin was inflamed like a sunburn and I'm itching everywhere on my torso and neck and head. Even my eyes are swollen. And the back of my ears! Have you ever heard of anything so awful? I'm going to call the doctor as soon as their office is open and say, "HELP!" I've been taking Benadryl, but it doesn't seem to be helping much.
I stopped by the library yesterday on my way home from work to pick up
a book I had on hold and also got
this one. It's the writer's first novel and I have recommendations for his latest one, but the library didn't have it yet. I started the former last night and look forward to reading more of it.
Our public library is the best. On a whim, I decided to glance through the CDs yesterday and I found
this one that I've always wanted to buy but never have, and
this one that I love and I brought them home and put them on my iPod and listened to them while I finished a paper. I can't write without classical music of some sort. It seems to stimulate my brain or something.
I talked to Reece last night. He told me all about the events at his new school and how he takes Spanish now, which I think is wonderful for a fourth-grader to begin. He also told me all about the school kids in Armenia and how rough they have it and how his class is raising funds to send to them so they can have proper school supplies. He seemed to be really bothered by it and I applaud his school for bringing the outside world to the attention of this little guy and his classmates. He also told me about football and I'm going to try to make it home to see one of his football games. I missed all of them last year.
I just put in a call to the doctor's office and the nurse is supposed to call me back this morning. In the meantime, I guess I can do some schoolwork. I might actually get ahead a little if I stay awake today! I had a class last Saturday and will have Saturday classes occasionally throughout the semester. This one was only from 1 to 4 and it flew by. My other class holds two Sat. classes which are from 9 to 4. What a long day those will be. Fortunately, my dear friend Sandy is in both my classes and so I get to catch up with her. She's even busier than I am right now.
Let's see, what else? (I have all day.) I joined a journal discussion group which is going to start meeting on Thursday nights. We're going to talk about articles pertaining to libraries. How about I report on that every week? Kidding.
Don't think I'm going to have time for the creative writing workshop this semester. As much as I want to attend and participate, I'm stretching it thin enough with a full-time job and two grad classes and now the journal discussion group. Hopefully, the organizers will take my suggestion and hold another one next summer. So, it's going to be the same old boring style of writing I exhibit here from now on. Which brings me to my thoughts on blogging. I only read about four blogs with any regularity. I have tired of all the others. I've considered quitting this blog, since I only post once a week if I'm lucky, but I'm still not ready to give it up. So, I'll post when I have time or something to say and the rest of the time I'm not going to worry about it. Of course, I'll always have gorgeous photos of Emily and darling Reece to show!
Oh, and I joined Weight Watchers again three weeks ago. Lost 7lbs in the first two weeks. Same ol' thing. Maybe it'll stick this time. I'm trying to be positive about it and just get through the ten weeks I paid for and then see how I feel about the whole thing.
I need to go get some work done now. And wait for a call from the nurse. Wish me luck. I'll keep you posted on the scratching.